rook piercing size
A rook piercing is a perforation of the antihelix of the ear for the purpose of wearing jewelry. It is located just above the tragus on the ridge between the inner and outer conch with the piercing ... A rook piercing is a cartilage piercing , so it isn't as easy as a standard lobe piercing . But, the short, sharp pain should only ache for about 30 minutes. What should I know about sizing for my rook jewelry? Your piercer will probably be using a 16 gauge needle that's 1.2mm thick - which is thicker... The piercer and shop should be credited whenever possible, include jewelry information if you have it. Do not include self promotion or shop website links. There aren't really standard piercing sizes . I can usually tell a gauge by looking at it and I imagine reputable piercers in your area would be able to do... The rook piercing is a cartilage piercing in the upper ear. Here's...